Gabriel Athanasiou, a talented Greek filmmaker based in London, has embarked on a vibrant journey in the world of cinema, showcasing a rich tapestry of creativity and passion. Originating from a quaint town in Greece, Gabriel began his cinematic journey by pursuing a master’s degree in directing at the esteemed Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Seeking further artistic enrichment, he expanded his horizons by studying at the New York Film Academy, delving deeper into the art of storytelling through film.
Throughout his career, Athanasiou has demonstrated a profound understanding of the power of storytelling to captivate audiences and evoke emotions. From his early endeavours crafting short films that traversed the globe, earning accolades and acclaim at international festivals, to his recent forays into the dynamic realm of advertising, he has remained steadfast in his commitment to bringing stories to life through the lens of humour and humanity. Comedy, music, and the intricacies of everyday life serve as his primary sources of inspiration, guiding him to create works that celebrate the beauty and absurdity of the human experience.
In 2023, Athanasiou’s talent and dedication were recognised when he was selected as one of the top 200 rising talents in the film industry by Berlinale Talents, a prestigious honour highlighting his potential and promise in the cinematic landscape. Additionally, his short film “Astoria” garnered critical acclaim, earning a Greek Film Academy Award nomination. As he continues to embark on this exhilarating journey, Athanasiou is fueled by his unwavering passion for storytelling and the boundless possibilities of cinematic expression, eager to share his unique perspective with audiences worldwide.