FatFace, a popular clothing brand, approached Theory Films with a unique project – to create an engaging short video for their Autumn campaign. The video needed to capture the essence of the brand, which revolved around themes of comfort, adventure, and family.
The main challenge of this shoot was the ever-changing weather conditions while filming outdoors which required flexibility to maintain consistency and continuity.
We used lightweight equipment to quickly adapt to unpredictable weather and assembled an efficient crew for fast location changes. We crafted each scene carefully, incorporating elements like cosy knitwear, adventurous outdoor activities, and heartwarming family moments to encapsulate the essence of FatFace.
Our collaboration with FatFace resulted in a dynamic and charming campaign video that effectively represented the brand’s values of comfort, adventure, and family, pleasing both FatFace and its audience. This video served as a valuable tool for promoting the Autumn collection and establishing the brand.
Theory Films are one of the UK’s leading corporate video production agencies. Here to connect you with your audience through video.
Theory Films are one of the UK’s leading corporate video production agencies. Here to connect you with your audience through video.